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UMS Sculptor–Your Ultimate Solution for Weight Loss, Muscle Building, and Beauty Enhancement


UMS Sculptor


In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and achieving our desired body goals can be challenging. However, with the revolutionary UMS Sculptor, you can now effortlessly embark on your journey toward weight loss, muscle building, and overall beauty enhancement. cutting-edge device utilizes advanced technology to provide effective results, making it the go-to solution for individuals seeking a comprehensive approach to their fitness and aesthetic goals.

Principle of Operation:

The UMS Sculptor operates on the principle of electromagnetic stimulation, also known as EMS. non-invasive technique involves the application of low-frequency electrical impulses to targeted muscle groups, triggering involuntary muscle contractions. These contractions mimic the natural process of exercise, stimulating muscle fibers and promoting muscle growth, strength, and toning. Additionally, the device incorporates infrared therapy, which enhances blood circulation, accelerates metabolism, and aids in fat burning.

UMS Sculptor

139 000,00krЦена
НДС Включая
    Laser Solutions Logo-1.png

    Company name: Laser Solutions AS

    Organization number: 932 748 533


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